Wednesday 3 October 2012

The phone-foodie

So recently at Japan's largest tech trade show there were soooooo many cool new technologies. One that caught my eye was an app that helps people pretend that they know things about food. It uses photo recognition to give you recpies and identification of what you are eating.

I am a self proclaimed foodie and i have worked hard to expand my knowledge of flavours and other things involved in amazing dishes but this app allows people to have the same abilities and more with one app and picture. Now i wont seem as smart. The app is currently only in Japanese and im not sure how many foods it can recognize or if they are plated in different forms if they will be recognized. But i think that it is still a really cool app and i will admit that sometimes i would really like to know how to cook things i eat...

Monday 1 October 2012

V3Solar Panels

So, V3Solar has created a new solar "panel". I put Panel in quotes because it actually looks like this:
V3Solar has developed a cone-shaped solar energy harvester that is claimed to generate ove...
They look like cones. So im now going to call them solar cones. So these cones increase the productivity. If you watch the clip it tells you exactly how it increased the productivity.

So these are really good and will help EVERYWHERE reach greener energy sources sooner. Honestly I really care about the environment but these kinda look like they belong on the set of star trek or something. I mean seriously?? But hey if they help solve the green energy problems then bring on Star Trek set designers!!

Thursday 13 September 2012

IPhone 5

So Iphone 5 was realeased today and to be honest..I'm not that impressed.

I think that Apple is going down hill since the death of Steve Jobs. With the "new" IPad having new displays and faster stuff going on inside of it there wasnt much goin' on. And now the IPhone 5 with its "new" retina display, a more powerful procceser (if one could call it that in a phone), faster wireless, and another row for apps on the home screen.

Lets look at all of these features that are the appeal of the new phone. Retina display. I see very little difference when i look at the new ipad compared to the first gen ipad (which i have) i see very little to no difference. the colours might be a little brighter if you look for it but overall the experience is very much the same. Okay i must admit that the faster wireless was a draw for me to consider this phone at first. But i thought about it and my 4s' wireless speeds are pretty damn good. so to say the truth its not worth it for a minimum of 700 (in Canada). The Processer is also cool but again my iPhone is fast enough. Another thing is they COMPLETELY redid the power cords so you have to buy an adaptor or new docs or a new cord. A stupid marketing ploy in my mind to try to get us to spend more money. But in all seriousness, people will buy it.

Now here is the part where i rant about fixing something that wasnt broken. The new fifth row. IT IS NOT THAT COOL!!!!! seriously. I was perfectly happy with my four rows of apps. PLUS! it makes the phone that much taller and my iPhone barely fits in my pockets right now. so that right there is a clear deal breaker. If im going to have a phone it better fit in my pocket.

                                                                         The other "neat" thing apple is doing is redoing the head phones and they kind of look like the Portal robot. and if they fit anthing like their previous headphones i dont want them.

Before iPhone 5 came out i was thinking about waiting to get it. Now i am glad i got the iPhone 4s. They are basically the same phone and atleast my connector cable is the same for all my apple devices still.

iPhone 5 on left iPhone 4s on right (not my photos)